Sunday, November 30, 2008

thanksgiving under wraps

staten island t-giving was a blast, of course. there were two babies for the first time and that really changed the ambience-less dancing, drinking-no smoking- and more adoration of the pass around kids. also, it ends earlier when short people are around. however, the inevitable turkey with requisite accompaniments was exceptionally well done- john shawn meynard and erene  cooked cleaned and hosted. we toasted "grace on ice" as the friend who is the farthest away this year. much laughter and gossip as well. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008


gracie is really on ice. we are not. just the unrelieved gray sky flatness. planting tulip and daffodil bulbs is the only revenge. i begin to understand the yankee thing. if one is alone too long one makes up stuff to do. to do that ya save everything for another possible project. maybe i will make something from empty rx bottles, those ribbons from candy boxes, lint from the dryer. then it all stacks up. piles and piles of maybe-one-day. if it weren't for the dogs, i would never get out from under all this stuff.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008


a solitary existence is new for me. the options are endless yet i manage to do absolutely nothing. with the more things i think to do- the less happens. it took 2 days to change the pages on the calendars; longer to get the laundry down the stairs and forget making art. this computer has become my newest form of "displacement behavior".  somehow a lot of nothing gets done but i hang desperately to the minutae of everyone else's life.  listening to npr even when it is whiny, boring and self-righteous.  watching the dogs sleep and NOT having a meaningful epiphany. watching the trees lose their leaves and NOT considering the existential meaning of it all. is this being in the now? who's now? what now? now what?