Wednesday, December 24, 2008

christmas musing- christmas music

ok. we had snow for no reason last week. now we have rain for christmas.  that weather goddess got confused again. you just can't trust her. and the music! i put a whole mess of christmas music on the ipod and i think it spread like a virus. although i made a playlist, it seems to have spread throughout the rest of my stuff and so... come july we can still listen to the boston pops doing BIG christmas songs. as i have mentioned, old broads and technology is a very tenuous combination. well, time to wrap the coffee and drink some presents. i really love christmas seasoning.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

science questions at moonrise

when the moon is full here is it full in antarctica as well? sleepless full moon nights - do they lead to restless anxiety dreams for everyone or just for me? why does everything outside look huge and transformed under a full moon? are full moon saturday nights scarier than usual saturday nights? do people all around the world get crazier on these nights? vampires? werewolves? and why is it so much quieter? just wondering. my form of scientific thought.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

60 degree day

a reprieve! 60 degrees in december is always welcome even though we know it won't last. a taste of memory from summers past. the garden immediately reacts as if THIS  is spring. silly garden. like me. the possibility of going outside with only a hoodie always sucks me in. (or out?). oh, don't worry i know it is only a temporary blip. it just makes me happy. the goddess is such a tease. now, let's see what the rest of today looks like.......