Monday, September 13, 2010

say no to viagra hackers

when my email was hacked yesterday & sent messages to totally inappropriate people about Viagra i was mortified. some were insulted, some understood what was happening, some laughed & some i haven't heard from.
i'm a writer, artist & fool. what I am not is tech savvy. i have always thought that the computer goddess & the Apple god would protect me. guess i'm mortal after all. if any of you got viagra'd - sorry about that.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

better safe?

better safe than sorry? such a lame aphorism. seems more like better safe AND sorry.
all those things i didn't do - jump off that bridge, go out with that psycho guy, try that new food.
chances only come this way once & regrets last a lifetime.

better safe?

better safe than sorry? such a lame aphoris

words that make English hard to learn

mow sow
now sow