Sunday, January 30, 2011

still 67

woke up this morning & nothing has changed.

I am still 67.

It snowed again last night.

My body still hurts from moving furniture.

The cat's still grumpy.

My computer still hates me.

The dogs are still asleep.

The world is still in turmoil.

I'm still alive.

Looks like another gorgeous day & yes, we will survive...
Turn up the music
And dance.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

birthday # 67

Birthdays only make you chronologically older. They don't change your attitude. Just your numbers on the national insurance pages. & your joints. & your eyesight. & your memory. &...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

dead of winter

isolation is not solitude.

Monday, January 3, 2011

NOLA dreaming

Even though I know it is 40F & dreadful in NOLA - it's better than sitting here in the frozen tundra of the north atlantic searching for signs of life.
Cold in NOLA is damp & cuts straight to the bone but my neighbors fights there are more interesting than the silence of this closed-in house.
besides, something -some flower, weed, tree will be very very very close to blossom.
The only thing growing here is ennui.