Saturday, November 8, 2008


gracie is really on ice. we are not. just the unrelieved gray sky flatness. planting tulip and daffodil bulbs is the only revenge. i begin to understand the yankee thing. if one is alone too long one makes up stuff to do. to do that ya save everything for another possible project. maybe i will make something from empty rx bottles, those ribbons from candy boxes, lint from the dryer. then it all stacks up. piles and piles of maybe-one-day. if it weren't for the dogs, i would never get out from under all this stuff.

1 comment:

K. Grace Clark said...

hi mama!
cold is relative! if you were wearing the pounds of clothing that are the pole you would be toasty too...althouygh hiking about in all this gear does leave one a bit tuckered...glad i'm the 1st to follow ur blog!! miss you! xokg*