Tuesday, May 31, 2011

House guests - we love 'em

house guests, not to be confused with family or extended family or over-extended family. House guests are those folks, invited or uninvited who take up residence for 3-4 days.
The good ones arrive with goodies from off-island;a clever skill like cooking; new makeup techniques or an independent attitude.always,always welcome.
The bad ones come empty handed; bring friends unannounced; need a safety pin, a tampon,a ride to the furthest end of this island. I don't have safety pins, tampons or an unlimited supply of gas .
The worst ones extend their stay by a week, puke in the bathroom or on the deck, whine about food allergies &/or leave the house a wreck.
People! I welcome you to my innermost but do not provide concierge service, maid service or chauffeur service. If you only want to visit with me in the summer & are not willing to come here in the dark winter months, I realize you are merely looking for a free place to stay in one of the world's best vacation destinations.

more words that make English hard

bear hear
beard heard

Monday, May 30, 2011

words I can't bear to hear

beyond the obvious racial/ethnic slurs there are phrases in common usage that sound beyond offensive to me:
meat suit
shut your pie hole
gonna rip you another/bigger/new asshole
seems to me these all refer to human anatomy & the problem MIGHT be mine but - the harshness of these sounds together with the visual images they produce...ew

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I am completely fascinated by the "Rapture". So many questions:
Can I have your car?
Where's the best place to watch?
Are there gonna be viewing stands?
Can you buy tickets?
What about pets?
If you're in a plane are you exempt?
What about if you're in the space station?
What do I wear?
Does this mean there are no longer private beaches?
Will Twitter & Facebook end, too?
Who of my friends will still be here?
Do I need to vacuum?
Is this hell on earth for the rest of us?
Should I chill the champagne?
Should I plan a viewing party?
Will this be covered by FOX or MSNBC?

Do I care?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

what they said/what I heard II

what they said: meditation
what I heard: medication


accomplished...best of show

does the photo show up?

