Sunday, December 19, 2010

why English is hard to learn -continued

bead head bed heed

book spook

where whore

it's a wonder we can speak at all

Friday, December 17, 2010

when the indoor cat gets out - the world stops until he's found.

Friday, December 10, 2010

what in the world?

we watched the wars on tv. & we were angry.
we watch the world on YouTube & twitter. & we are angrier.
what's next?
implosion or explosion?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

politics as unusual #2

we must believe our pres. knows more about being pres. than we do.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

politics as unusual

does anyone remember when schools taught something called "civics"? that's where we learned how deh government was supposed to work. you know- 3 separate discrete divisions as a safe-guard for the over reaching of the others? we were taught that most decisions were made by negotiation & debate; that congress was elected to represent the needs of the people & to advocate for the "Folks back home". Compromise was not a dirty word, rather it was what happened when 2 opposing views heard each other with dignity & came to some sort of accommodation.
compromise is not a synonym for appeasement. there is room for middle ground. isn't there?
in the words of Mick Jagger: "you can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes..."
you know the rest.

Friday, November 19, 2010

I try to never get political in these posts but...this time i must. there is a move afoot to destroy the Obama presidency. a game being played by some old white guys in suits. they say Pres. Obama must be stopped at any cost.
This cost might well be the our safety as humans. blocking the nuclear disarmament treaty is beyond dangerous, it is deadly. unemployment, the deficit,health care, the economy mean nothing if we are not here at all. the ultimate destruction of the Earth could render all our squabbles insignificant. people, think about it. is it worth it?
i would really like to sleep at night.

Monday, September 13, 2010

say no to viagra hackers

when my email was hacked yesterday & sent messages to totally inappropriate people about Viagra i was mortified. some were insulted, some understood what was happening, some laughed & some i haven't heard from.
i'm a writer, artist & fool. what I am not is tech savvy. i have always thought that the computer goddess & the Apple god would protect me. guess i'm mortal after all. if any of you got viagra'd - sorry about that.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

better safe?

better safe than sorry? such a lame aphorism. seems more like better safe AND sorry.
all those things i didn't do - jump off that bridge, go out with that psycho guy, try that new food.
chances only come this way once & regrets last a lifetime.

better safe?

better safe than sorry? such a lame aphoris

words that make English hard to learn

mow sow
now sow

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

aging/ageing/ er ...getting older

there is a girl inside this well-used body. i may look 60+ w/ sags & bags & wrinkles. my attempts at rejuvenation may fill me briefly with hope. my plans to spend time at a gym may seem briefly real. my slathering on of creams, cremes, serums, & lotions may be briefly optimistic.
but a quick pass by the mirror always tells the external truth.
a brief flirtation on twitter, a passing handsome face, a rebellious thought can send me deep inside to the girl who dances 'til the sweat drips into her eyes.
if only she could be seen by others

Monday, July 12, 2010

closed caption fun

sha-na-begins ? oh! shenanigans
who out- sources english closed captions? this language is hard enough for "native speakers"

more words that make english hard


Friday, April 23, 2010