Wednesday, August 11, 2010

aging/ageing/ er ...getting older

there is a girl inside this well-used body. i may look 60+ w/ sags & bags & wrinkles. my attempts at rejuvenation may fill me briefly with hope. my plans to spend time at a gym may seem briefly real. my slathering on of creams, cremes, serums, & lotions may be briefly optimistic.
but a quick pass by the mirror always tells the external truth.
a brief flirtation on twitter, a passing handsome face, a rebellious thought can send me deep inside to the girl who dances 'til the sweat drips into her eyes.
if only she could be seen by others

1 comment:

-Mike said...

Oh I love you so much for writing this piece! I feel the same way exactly! I sit here and write, or go out and socialize and have such a good time ... until I go in the bathroom and look in the mirror! Who the hell is that old man? Where did that youthful, fun loving, thirty-something go to? Where did you hide him? I'll pay the damn ransom ... give him back! I am not accepting my body very gracefully ... in fact I'm rather resentful. Especially when I'm thinking I'm developing somewhat of a deeper bond with a young person and then they laugh at one of my jokes, touch my arm and say "You remind me so much of my grandfather!" BUZZ KILL!